Homebound Ministry
Our mission is to be spiritual companions sharing Christ with the homebound. Homebound ministers provide phone calls and bring the Eucharist to those who are sick and homebound. If you require our service or want more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you are an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and are interested in joining the Homebound Ministry, contact us regarding training.
Ministry Leader:
Sr. Stella Enelichi
The Gabriel Project
We welcome anyone interested in Pro-Life. Our mission is to offer parish-based pastoral care to women in a crisis pregnancy. We encourage life and support them in their physical, Spiritual, and emotional needs. We periodically sponsor baby showers in their honor. Donations and baby items, including furniture, are requested to help aid these mothers and their newborns. We meet once or twice a year, or when needed.
Ministry Leader:
Blanca Garcia
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
We welcome anyone interested in offering their time to help those in need. Our mission is to provide person-to-person contact with people with various needs in our local community. With our monthly collection, we can fulfill many of those needs. We strive to maintain the dignity of individuals and promote long-term self-sufficiency by treating people with respect and building a relationship of friendship, trust, and confidentiality. We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month, at 7:00 p.m., in Mt. Carmel Hall.
Ministry Leader:
Patrick O'Connor
Prayer Network
We pray for those in need, our church, community, and the nation because we love communicating with God and interceding for others. It is an intercessory prayer group. We are a group committed to pray for those who need it. Our members have a calling to pray for others who have requested prayer. This ministry is electronically based. Prayer Warriors are notified via email when there is a prayer request. There are no monthly meetings but there is a plan to begin having a yearly or bi-yearly prayer breakfast to join with other prayer ministries to pray for our community and country, and fellowship with one another.
Ministry Leader:
Vyckye Cox