Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
We welcome anyone who has completed Confirmation and is in good standing with the Catholic Church. Our mission is to serve the Body and Blood of Jesus during Mass on weekends and Holy Days of Obligation. We meet twice a year, in February and September, for training.
Ministry Leader (English):
Marissa Oracion
Ministry Leader (Spanish):
Angeles Guzman
Anyone who has completed Confirmation and is dedicated to proclaiming the Word of God is welcome to join our ministry. Our mission is to proclaim the Word of God through the reading of Scripture during Masses. Each person is required to study and reflect on the Scriptures and readings in preparation for the Mass. We meet when necessary for general training. New members are trained/instructed as they volunteer.
Ministry Leader (English):
Patrick O'Connor
Ministry Leader (Spanish):
Eloy De Luna
We welcome anyone, who has been Confirmed, to join our ministry. Our mission is to greet and welcome our faith community during Masses. We assist our parishioners and guests with seating, coordinate the presentation of the gifts for the Communion Rites, and assist in gathering the collections. We also distribute bulletins and other materials after Mass. We meet as needed. New members are trained as they volunteer.
Ministry Leader (English):
Ministry Leader (Spanish):
Juan Reyes
Altar Servers
We welcome all youth who have received their First Communion to serve in the Liturgical Celebration. Our mission is to serve at Mass, reverently and responsibly. This ministry creates a beginning for our youth to serve the Lord now and to actively participate in various parts of the Mass, by assisting and supporting the presider during Masses. Training is once a year or as needed.
Ministry Leader (English):
Mrs. Pope
Ministry Leader (Spanish):
Blanca Garcia
Altar Linens
The Altar Linens Ministry is responsible for laundering and preparing linens for celebrating masses and other church ceremonies. This group does not hold regular meetings.
Ministry Leader:
Donna Carter
Our mission is to prepare the vessels, bread, wine, and Sanctuary for Mass. We meet when scheduled, on Saturdays. Our service is a fulfillment of sharing our faith and talents by serving God and His church. We welcome new members (16 years or older) and invite you to participate in this special ministry.
Ministry Leader (English):
Ministry Leader (Spanish):
Angeles Guzman
Art & Environment
We welcome anyone interested in exploring their creative energies and applying them to the Liturgical Celebrations. Our mission is to decorate the church with flowers and plants throughout the year. We especially prepare for the Liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter to coincide with the spiritual beauty these seasons bring each year.
Ministry Leader:
C.J. Rittgers